PACO-PLUS Summer School in Ohlstadt, Germany
09.05.2008: Neuronal Responses and Visual Perception: The deceiving concept of receptive fields F.Wörgötter (BCCN, Univ. Göttingen, Germany) The bias/variance dilemma in visual perception: What humans and robots should know before they perceive and learn N. Krüger (Sued Dansk University, Odense, Denmark) (Student-Presentation) Perceptual Learning R. Goldstone (Univ. Indiana, USA) (Student-Presentation) 10.05.2008: Dynamics and pattern formation of synaptic learning: Why do we profit from slow learning? L. van Hemmen (TU Munich, Germany) (Student-Presentation) Machine Learning : A Biased and Incomplete Overview J. Piater (Univ. Liege, Belgium) (Student-Presentation: 1, 2) Memory, psychology M. Meeter (Free Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands)
12.05.2008: Freezing Memories and Melting Thoughts A. Treves (SISSA, Trieste, Italy) (Student-Presentation) Grounding Language in Action Representation M. Steedman (Univ. Edinburgh, UK) (Student-Presentation) What does the cerebellum calculate? D. Pecher (Rotterdam)
13.05.2008: Flexibility of concepts O. Donchin (Ben Gurion Univ., Israel) (Student-Presentation) Motor Action Machine: Computational Motor Learning and Imitation in Robotics A. Ude (Jožef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana, Slovenia) (Student-Presentation) Becoming an intentional agent: The emergence of voluntary action B. Hommel (Univ. Leiden, Netherlands)
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